an antagonist to the sternocleidomastoid muscle would be

Register now B. gastrocnemius. The main muscle that resists a movement is called the antagonist. Which statement is NOT true of organ systems and movement? A. puckers the mouth for kissing. A flex the neck What is the antagonist of the Longissimus (Spine extension)? Hold for 30 seconds. Kim Bengochea, Regis University, Denver. articular muscle one that has one end attached to the capsule of a joint. B. Which of the following muscles is responsible for elevating the eyebrows? D. internal intercostals. (c) equal for both wells? What is the antagonist of the Deltoid (Abduct humerus)? D. palatoglossus Previously, a single source of progenitor cells was thought to be responsible for the formation of the cardiac muscle. C gluteus medius What is the antagonist of the Pectoralis Minor (Protract scapula)? E. fibularis brevis, Which muscle extends the big toe? D. tensor fasciae latae It is a member of the toll-like receptor (TLR) family. What is the antagonist of the Soleus (Plantarflexion)? B tetanus B myosin and actin C. ring finger; thumb . A. genioglossus A. back muscles are strong to maintain erect posture. The end of the muscle that connects to the sternum is the A. origin. A. brachioradialis and anconeus. a. intermittent claudication b. spasmodic torticollis c. myasthenia gravis d. contracture, What muscle performs the opposite action (antagonist) of soleus? b) orbicularis oris. A. tibialis anterior D. class IV lever system. d. Splenius. Anatomy of the Respiratory System The function of the respiratory system is to obtain oxygen from the atmospheric air Oxygenating all cells of the body Obtains oxygen from atmospheric air, alveoli is where gas exchange occurs Oxygen diffuses from the blood Ventilation:taking oxygen in and exhaling co2 (breathing) inspiration : transport of oxygen through alveoli . The name has the origin of the Latin words: sternon = chest; cleido = clavicle and the Greek words: mastos = breast and eidos = shape, form. Match the following description of muscles that move the head and trunk with its appropriate name: Flexes and laterally rotates the head, Match the muscle action involving mastication with its appropriate muscle name: Elevates mandible and moves mandible side to side. A. retinacula. Hold the stretch for 10 to 20 seconds, then repeat on the other side. B. transversus abdominis. The sternocleidomastoid muscle is an axial muscle located on either side of the neck and supports forward and lateral flexion at the neck as well as rotation and elevation of the sternum and clavicle. A cerebrum: frontal lobes Biceps Femoris, Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus. (c) equal for both wells? A) The sternocleidomastoid is the prime mover, and the splenius cervicis is the fixator. Which of the following muscles is not used for inspiration? What are the muscles in the neck and the chest area? B hamstring group Which muscle acts as both a knee (leg) extensor and hip (thigh) flexor? D. extensor hallicus longus B sarcomere That is, how are did_{\mathrm{i}}di and dod_{\mathrm{o}}do related? D. adductors. Sternocleidomastoid muscle 32 languages The sternocleidomastoid muscle is one of the largest and most superficial cervical muscles. B. hyoglossus Splenius Cervicis. a. pectoralis minor b. infraspinatus c. rhomboid major d. serratus anterior. C sustained muscle contractions caustic, prodigal, exodus, irreverent, tenuous, retribution, taciturn, raconteur. thyrohyoid The infraspinatus D. type and shape. (a) splenius capitis (b) semispinalis capitis (c) longissimus capitis (d) both (a) and (b) (e) all of the above. E. transverses thoracis. D gastrocnemius, The muscle on the anterior thigh that extends the lower leg is the: Which muscle is the prime mover of arm abduction (assuming all fibers are used)? hope you all enjoy the vid!enjoy the video and reflect on the mod. b) gastrocnemius. movement of the masseter and the temporalis. The antagonist to the sternocleidomastoid is the splenius capitis. D. chubby cheeks. A sodium ions From what height did the student fall? Which of the following muscles has superior, middle and inferior sections? C. pectoralis minor and pectoralis major. B flex the forearm trapezius, Anatomy and Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function, Andrew Russo, Cinnamon VanPutte, Jennifer Regan, Philip Tate, Rod Seeley, Trent Stephens, Week 1: Psychopathology (History, Classificat, Honors English Final (finished sorry forgot t. C. flexor carpi radialis A muscle that extends both the wrist and the index finger is the Wiki User. Rectus Abdominus, external oblique, internal oblique The muscle shape that has the capacity to shorten to the greatest degree is C. supraspinatus Copyright Musculus sternocleidomastoideus 1/3 Synonyms: SCM The sternocleidomastoid muscle is a two-headed neck muscle, which true to its name bears attachments to the manubrium of sternum (sterno-), the clavicle (-cleido-), and the mastoid process of the temporal bone (-mastoid). An antagonist muscle relaxes (or stretches) when the prime mover muscle contracts. B pectoralis major What are attachments for these muscles, and their functions? c) sternocleidomastoid. Contraction of the inferior rectus muscle directs the pupil to look A muscle that assists the muscle primarily responsible for a given action is a(n) __________. (a) the erector spinae (b) the rhomboid group (c) the splenius group (d) the scalenes (e) the transversospinalis. An antagonist for a muscle on the posterior side of the thigh would be found on the: A anterior side of the thigh B medial side of the thigh C anterior side of the lower leg D posterior side of the lower leg B Which statement is NOT true of antagonistic muscles? C. latissimus dorsi a. Biceps brachii b. Triceps brachii c. Jaw d. Tongue. What are the functions of the sternocleidomastoid muscle? Choose the letter that best answers the question or completes the statement. brevis; long E. a group of muscles that work together to cause movement. What is the antagonist of the Internal Oblique (Trunk flexion)? C impulses from the brain are needed for voluntary movement Neck Muscles Globus Pallidus Cervical Vertebrae Basal Ganglia Facial Muscles Oculomotor Muscles Neuromuscular Junction Hand. The most powerful muscle in the body is the ________. D there is too little oxygen in the lungs, In the neuromuscular junction, the membrane of the muscle fiber is called the: C. extensor carpi radialis brevis. Each group will need to utilize full ROM in order to perform optimally. 2023 E. flexion and abduction of the arm, . C. inability of a male to have an erection. E. internal intercostals. If the head is fixed, it elevates the sternum and clavicle and, thus, expands the thoracic cavity (inspiratory breathing muscle). Muscles Muscles. A. pectoralis major What are the principal appendicular muscles of the body and distinguish their origins, insertions, actions, and innervations? B center lines of a sarcomere, and actin filaments are attached Muscles that work like this are called antagonistic pairs. B. crow's feet wrinkles. What is the antagonist of the Infraspinatus (Lateral rotation humerus)? C. internal abdominal oblique A. tibialis anterior C both hemoglobin and myoglobin are lipids that contain iron TLR9 is an important receptor expressed in immune system cells including dendritic cells, macrophages, natural killer cells, and other antigen presenting cells. D iliopsoas, The muscle on the anterior thigh that flexes the thigh is the: B creatine phosphate (1) right lateral rectus What is the antagonist of the Flexor Digitorum Profundus (finger flexion)? B. sartorius A. puckers the mouth for kissing. the muscle that does most of the movement. Rectus Abdominus, External oblique, Internal oblique What is the antagonist of the Spinalis (Spine extension)? A. function and orientation. B muscle tone C both A and B convergent B. contributes to pouting. A gastrocnemius and soleus B. semispinalis capitis A. gastrocnemius Can sternocleidomastoid muscle cause jaw pain? D. extensor hallucis longus; flexor hallucis longus Which of the following muscles is not a rotator cuff muscle? C trapezius Agonists are the prime movers for an action. A external intercostals and internal intercostals circular D plantar flex the foot, Which muscle is NOT paired with its correct function? What is the antagonist of the Pronator Teres (pronate forearm)? The zygomaticus major muscle What is the antagonist of the Triceps Brachii (extension of forearm)? B semispinalis capitis and sternocleidomastoid B. external abdominal oblique D anterior mandibularis, The muscle on the ventral side of the abdomen that flexes the vertebral column is the: The sternocleidomastoid muscles help to flex the neck. E. hyoglossus, Which of the following muscles is involved in swallowing? The brachial plexus should lie between these two muscles. B. longissimus capitis A. sartorius. a. Antagonist b. Fixator c. Prime mover (agonist) d. Synergist. D increase the blood supply within muscles, A single muscle fiber contraction is called a ______, and the sustained contraction of a muscle fiber is called ______. B. external abdominal oblique D gluteus medius and adductor group, Which muscle is NOT paired with an antagonist? A. flexors. The two heads join into one muscle belly that goes on to insert on the lateral surface of themastoid process of the temporal bone and the lateral half of thesuperior nuchal line of the occipital bone. E. attach at the distal end of the humerus, A tennis player complains of severe pain in the shoulder when serving or returning an overhead volley. C. brachialis C teres major A latissimus dorsi To identify the relationship between bones and skeletal muscles in producing movement. The names of muscles often indicate the action of the muscle. E. psoas major. A more permeable to potassium ions B. splenius capitus Most of us carry a lot of tension in the upper trapezius and neck muscles. . E. gracilis, Which muscle abducts and flexes the thigh? The muscle is closely related to certain neurovascular structures that pass through the neck on their way either to the head or to the periphery of the body. plantar flexion, Triangular muscles, like the pectoralis major are also called _____ muscles. D. gracilis C. peroneus brevis Contracting the right sternocleidomastoid muscle would The end of the muscle that connects to the sternum is the, When a skeletal muscle contracts to cause a given movement, the more movable end of attachment of the muscle is termed its, When you "pull your tummy in" and compress your abdomen, you use the rectus abdominis, external abdominal oblique, internal abdominal oblique, and transversus abdominis muscles. What are synonyms for sternocleidomastoid (muscle)? Splenius Capitus. insertion What is the antagonist of the Vastus Intermedius (knee extension)? C sarcoplasmic reticulum Two positive point charges qqq and 4q4 q4q are at x=0x=0x=0 and x=Lx=Lx=L, respectively, and free to move. (d) Segmental branches. Get access to this video and our entire Q&A library, Function & Anatomy of the Muscles of the Face, Neck & Back. A. levator scapulae . B. Identify two muscles that are antagonists of tibialis posterior. B. adduction of the arm. E. splenius capitis, Of the following muscles of the head, which one wraps around the orbits? Identify the muscle that performs the following function: Two muscle pairs that flex the vertebral column; compress the abdomen, and laterally flex the vertebral column. Neck Elongation. skeletal muscle contracts and pulls on bone. e) platysma. You should feel a stretch on the left side of your neck. E. rhomboideus major, Which muscle will depress the scapula or elevate the ribs? Name the following: A contraction in which muscles produce tension but do not shorten. It is built of two heads, sternal (medial) head . When viewed together, this pair forms a diamond or trapezoid shape, hence its name. B. lumbricals. What is the antagonist of the Gastrocnemius (Plantarflexion)? A sarcolemma A nursing infant develops a powerful sucking muscle that adults also use for whistling. D. posterior compartment syndrome. A. rectus femoris B. attach the arm to the thorax. A. hamstrings. D trapezius, The muscle on the anterior side of the trunk that flexes and adducts the arm is the: A. puckers the mouth for kissing. A carbon dioxide D cerebrum: occipital bones, Which statement is NOT true of the muscles and the brain? The sternocleidomastoid is the prime mover and the splenius cervicis is the fixator. A breathing has stopped and there is no oxygen in the blood B. straight. What back muscle originates on the vertebral spinous processes? B triceps brachii Which of the following muscles is innervated by the trigeminal nerve (CN V)? E. raises the eyelid. D. extensor carpi radialis brevis The flexion of the elbow represents a A. During the collision with the ground, he comes to rest in a time of 0.010 s. The average force exerted on him by the ground is + 18 000 N, where the upward direction is taken to be the positive direction. C. internal abdominal oblique A. gluteus medius and gluteus maximus. E. fixator. C. biceps femoris Match the muscle with its correct origin and insertion: Temporalis, Origin: temporal fossa C. abductors. A sartorius C gluteus maximus e) buccinator. B. supraspinatus and latissimus dorsi. The sternocleidomastoid is the prime mover and the splenius cervicis is the antagonist. Identify the muscle that performs the following function: Paired muscle that flexes head and rotates the head to the side. C increase the removal of carbon dioxide To define the origin, insertion, and belly of a skeletal muscle. c) levator palpebrae superioris. A. Brachialis B. Deltoid C. Triceps Brachii D. Brachioradialis E. Trapezius. What is a muscle that is an antagonist to the biceps femoris muscle? The arm is attached to the thorax by the What is the antagonist of the Flexor Carpi Radialis (wrist flexion)? B hamstring group inhalation Which description of a muscle action is NOT correct? Anterocollis is a type of cervical dystonia characterized by simultaneous and repetitive antagonist muscles contractions, resulting in abnormal neck flexion. levator ani, choose all that apply: A. a dimple in the chin. bones serve as levers. If a person drums their fingers on the table, they would be using which of the following muscles? A. does most of the work in "sit-ups." Antagonistic pairs or pairs of muscles that work opposite one another can also contract at the same time and potentially cause injuries. B pump more blood to muscles E. calcaneal tendon, Which of the following muscles is found in the lateral compartment of the leg? A. forearm. All rights reserved. The thenar muscles are involved in controlling the ____; the hypothenar muscles control the ____. D. causes crow's feet wrinkles. Fixators hold joints in place, so movement does not occur. The ________ vertebrae are located in the neck. A)trapezius B)sternocleidomastoid C)semispinalis D)platysma. a. E. biceps brachii, . C gluteus medius A negative/positive B pectoralis major pectoralis minor Each of the following terms is a descriptive term for a muscle's action, except __________. Read more. D cholinesterase to prevent unwanted continous contractions, The sarcoplasmic reticulum of a muscle fiber contains: The __________ is the prime mover of dorsiflexion of the foot. Respiratory Problems. weight-fulcrum-pull What are the muscles of the face and neck? holds it in place) so that the prime mover can act more efficiently. Both wells contain identical quantum particles, one in each well. Rectus Abdominus, External oblique, Internal oblique. In the following sentence, strike through each error in capitalization and write the correct form above it. Antagonists play two important roles in muscle function: (1) they maintain body or limb position, such as holding the arm out or standing erect; and (2) they control rapid movement, as in shadow boxing without landing a punch or the ability to check the motion of a limb. C gluteus maximus flexes thigh C. extensor digitorum longus . When both muscles of this pair are contracted simultaneously, they flex the neck forward. D. extensor hallicus longus deltoid Platysma and the sternocleidomastoid muscle A loose connective tissue layer called the superficial cervical fascia is present between the platysma and the sternocleidomastoid muscle, which allows an easy glide of the platysma over the sternocleidomastoid. C. class III lever system. B. rectus femoris C. fulcrum is the part being moved. Match the word to its correct meaning: Brevis, Match the word to its correct meaning: Costal. D. multifidus A triceps brachii- extends dorearm E. extend and laterally flex the neck, Which of the following muscles does NOT extend the neck?

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an antagonist to the sternocleidomastoid muscle would be