miramonte high school cheerleader killed

In more conservative societes in the world(its not USA) the educators and family see these things in the early stages and try to prevent them. Asking a butt of yourself getting it. Bernadettes BFF. She felt it was even worse than having killed someone which is ridiculous and sad but thereve been a few cases like this.. Its thought to be the reason why Skylar Neese was really killed though her two best friends who killed her claimed they just didnt like her any more (again doesnt make sense) and there was evidence that Skylar had seen her two friends making out. I didnt know Kirsten but a friend of mine knew her well, she was a (Bubbly) girl and yes she was (self absorbed) what teen girl isnt. Blaming Kirstens parents for her death is the epitome of classlessness and disrespect. So Mats Bernadette was Sweet. Kirsten wasnt like whoever (Not True) above article said she had to be snobby at the School there. She was warm, she was engaging, she was dynamic. I am really stunned that she only spent 8 years in jail. One girl here posted that one girl accused Football players of Sexual Assault at a Party and she was driven out of that School also. The movie eve swapped their hair colours you cant take it too seriously although it did iclude certain claims of Beradettes like that Kirsten commented on Bernadette having cheap ski boots although all she said was that Bernadette made some comment not even what the comment was and that Kirstens voice was unexcited when she saw it was Bernadette. According to a court report dating back to 1985, these were some of the traits her cold-hearted . Kirsten was well liked and cared. You know movies arent real, dont ya? Kirsten had a good heart though. As any 15 year old would.even today in 2015. You are bullying a dead teenage girl by deliberately and knowingly perpetuating lies about her because you appear to identify with Angela Delvecchio in Death of a Cheerleader ( a character that doesnt exist and is not a real representation of what Bernadette Protti was like). Bernadette tried her best to forge a friendship under false pretenses and you Justify her actions, you must either be Bernadette or her sister, or a close friend or Relative. It stayed with me for many years, not as bad as it did, but it did for a long time. Material on this site is provided for education, criticism, commentary, cultural reporting, entertainment, historical reference, and news reporting/analysis. Catholic priests normally wear a violet, black or white stole during a funeral mass. If we all got along with everyone then it would be boring. ?lol go guys and do some research..the real Bernadette was very beautiful,(but poor) while the real Kristen was very average (but rich)Kristen well deserved her fate,all the bullies making others life miserableno sympathy from me at all. It just became a War between the 2 which one was better, and Kirsten was, and Bernadette wanted to be, and Kirsten was in her way. March 11-12, Miramonte students of each class came together to decide their class presidents, vice presidents, and treasurers for the 2020-2021 school year. I know a person who knew her, she was a snob, so to speak, but she didnt deserve to die. Sarah Dugdale was cast as the victim, Nina Miller. They told about the girls ran out of School. She was obsessed with being liked and Kirsten not liking her. Now that you know, have fun looking around! Kirsten Costas was the cheerleader in question; she was also a star on the varsity swim team at Miramonte High School in Orinda, California. So she could never uplift Bernadette at all. She couldnt give any more examples because there was no more examples which is why there is still no clear reason why she killed Kirsten. Dylan and Eriks parents were loaded. It could have been antisocial Goth girl Monica, it could've been angst-ridden Jill--or maybe it was the plain girl nobody suspected. Bernadette got to all back to, she deserves to be vilified. In 1984, California's Miramonte High School cheerleader and all-around popular teen, Kirsten Costas, was murdered by her classmate Bernadette Protti, who was not only jealous of Kirsten's high-profile life but bitter and resentful that she took did not get picked for cheerleading or the yearbook committee. Caskets cannot be covered with a flag of the deceased's nationality while in the church. And Im sure Ms.Stuff and D and Beauty and the Beast are probaly still today If they want to be. On the afternoon of the third day of the trial, Judge Edward Merill found Bernadette Protti guilty of second-degree murder. There was this one girl that was so jealous of me, that she spread lies about me to her sorority friends and kept me from pledging her sorority. Maria I hear Kirsten was Beautiful inside and out. Bernadette deserved the same sentence as would any get it doesnt matter even if she was a juvenile at the time she.should have been trialed as an adult. How was the judge stupid when first of all the evidence didnt show or prove 1st degree murder then secondly that was the law at the time? its very frustrating when the characters are not truly depicted in an accurate manner. Even if she was, no right to murder her. Maybe you need to hear one of those shooters moms speak on YouTube on the Ted talks. Alex offered to drop Kirsten home, as the Pinto followed. I didnt get into the club I wanted to. Lemme tell all of you a little something because I lived and breathed the entire lifestyle of growing up in orinda and knew both Bernadette and kirsten. What have internet sleuths found out? Now the new version of the movie was making Bernadette innocent, when Kirsten was innocent herself. I agree bullying is so terrible but there wasnt much evidence that Kirsten was a bully apart from Bernadette saying Kirsten once mentioned that her ski boots looked cheap, I think Kirsten was a lesbian with a crush on Kirsten but was taking that secret to her grave. To much pressure is put on us, but we dont murder because of it. She asked Hilley if he had ever considered that a sixteen-year-old girl might be more afraid of publicity than of going to prison. The movie, like most movies, is no an accurate account. Bernadette would have seen the pain and anguish on Kirstens face, the fear and shock in Kirstens eyes, listened to Kirsten scream in agony (she was reported to have screamed) as she felt the knife rip through Kirsten skin. Kids can be cruel, its always been that way. Until something happens. She watched 2 girls take the blame and did absolutely nothing about it. She didnt give examples because she wasnt bullied by Kirsten. The killing, which has left authorities baffled, occurred as the popular student and cheerleader was apparently fleeing a bogus invitation to an initiation dinner for the Bobbies, a public service sorority-like group she had joined. Even though she sadly didnt live to see it. Bernadette had plenty of other friends, she was in that group, Kirsten didnt have anything against Bernadette, if she would of left her alone, eventually they may of became friends, no she couldnt wait, wanted it all right now and pushed and forced her way into it. She wasnt a fan of ( stupidity) by any means at all. I was raised to treat others with respect. I feel very sad for both sides. 99.7 percent of teen girls are Smart alecks. Dont care how mean Kirsten was, that was uncalled for, you that defend Bernadette saying Kirsten was mean girl, do you realize Kirsten is gone forever, and will never be back, do you realize Bernadette took a Life! It's a remake of 1994's A Friend To Die For, which became a popular rerun for Lifetime under the Retronym Death of a Cheerleader, so they used that title for the remake. So, I dont know, I just felt bad., She said that Kirsten, Just sort of put me down I remembered one time on the ski trip we were on together. Thats a much more obvious motive. These stories chronicle the immediate news reports that detailed the crime, the communitys shock, the victims funeral, and discusses some of the police work that was involved in the effort to find the killer and to understand her motive. You dont know whether or not Kirsten had to go without anything. My honest opinion on this is that I think that Kirsten didnt deserve to die. However, internet sleuths have long been fixated with uncovering Bernadettes latest location, and identity. As for Bernadette, I didnt know her well, but said hello to her a few times in passing at school, and when she came to get the attendance slips. We have got you covered when it comes to the true story behind Death of a Cheerleader. First published on November 19, 2018 / 6:32 PM. We all are mental ill and could snap in a minute, so be good for yourself and others. first of all, the judge had to be stupid to find it second degree murder and it doesnt matter if she didnt plan to kill kirsten. One girl said stupid stuff that embarrassed you, and cussed all the time, and other girls who smoked or cussed, she didnt associate with them, she didnt want around them. Nancy and Joanna? I liked School and I wasnt popular, but I still liked it. Do you really think its acceptable to lure someone out of their house under false pretences and then expect a positive reaction if your lie is discovered? Like I said, Kirsten was so much fun. Where are you getting she had no friends and was bullied. Im sure Kirsten had her moments and faults and good qualities as well. Its about time on other sites told all about Kirsten and how much fun loving she was. She stuck to her story initially, but when Hilley described the psychological profile of the suspect in the case which showed, among other things, that the killer would have little remorse for her crime, Bernadette said, It sounds like me.. Bernadette isnt coming anyway, she is not well anymore. Mats you knew Kirsten? Not when she was bullied and pushed to her limit!! "Her smile; you couldn't miss her smile. LP even if she doesnt get around to much to see people, Im sure theres a purpose in her life to. Although the attack was witnessed by Alex Arnold, he could not see the killers face, and chasing the killers Pinto did not yield results. Some of these girls ( not Nancy or Joanna) acted like Hoes, and ppl dont take kindly to that. From the author who also runs this site: The yearbooks ARE in my private collection, as is the huge picture of us in Washington DC. She probably just told her off, like she did the others. I never understood why Bernadette killed Kirsten. Kirsten wasnt a Bully. The case is extremely old now. She didnt hate anyone. According to this blog, Bernadette is married and has made a new life for herself. That pain of being relentlessly bullied stays with you your whole life and your self worth is damaged. It was full of middle class and upper- middle class families. Kirsten and Bernadette were both friendly and nice girls. Her parents were hard-working and respectable people, but Bernadette felt that they were too old and did not listen to her. . Upon her release, she reportedly changed her name. So Bernadette helped her out to gain acceptance. But Kirsten didnt deserve to die, some of those girls changed and are more sensitive. However, when the casket leaves the church the flag can be put back on the casket. I wasnt crazy about Kirsten Carrie, Christine and the rest, I knew how She just got irritated cause Bernadette lied to her and lured her out under false Circumstances, Id be annoyed and Angry to. To bad Kirsten didnt get a chance to grow up and grow out of it. I hear she disguised herself when she comes to Orinda wears shades over her eyes, and lives behind a long lane (mom does). Yes the Homecoming Queen said nice things about Kirsten, but she was at the (top) and Kirsten liked those people. They might not win but they can make a case for smearing the name of their daughter if indeed she was not a bully. And Sarah saying Kirsten got what she deserved. That night, Bernadette told her mother they needed to talk, but Elaine Protti said she was tired. She was mean and Stuck up also. You need to get help for that, sweetie. Mats you knew those Girls? The people implying that Kristen had it coming, or whoever else blamed her parents, are, in life, the jealous Bernadette types. Kirsten May of had moments and been a Stuck up person, but that dont Justify murdering her. BETs 'American Soul' Tells a True Story With Mostly Fictional Characters. You are full of it. But unfortunately for her all she was taught was whats the best material Possessions, popularity and the look at me attitude. I believe Bernadette tried to friend her, and as I read and I do believe she acted on impulse, I believe she was just so enraged she snapped and did the (unthinkable). You want to defend your friend and so you should but once you start calling names and trampling over the comments of others you single yourself out as a bully. Lots of Students had to seek Counseling that year over all this. I dont care if she was only 15, murder is murder and she should have been locked away for far longer. So sad her life was shortened. Oh please bet you were t any better. Rene was a lovely girl too who suffered not having opened the door for Kirsten because she was young and scared and didnt know what was going on, or who was at the door. lol Dylans mother saying We werent rich. Landscape Suicide 1986 is the closest after Bernadettes interview with the Police it shows it. Between 10-15 years ago bullying came into the news. Very few that arent. Senseless. She only confessed cause the FBI was cornering her, and she had no where to turn to. Movie portrayed Kirsten as a Snotty girl, when really she was just down to Earth and Vivacious and fun Loving. Kirstens friends dont sit and discuss Morbid depressing stuff to start with. She was then driven to an empty car- park at night and was justifiably angry with Bernadette over it. WOW MIRANDA, IT SOUNDS LIKE YOU MIGHT HAVE A TRIGGER TOO. I think Kirsten probably threatened to tell everybody their bizarre conversation in the car that night. Bernadette took a lie detector test as they questioned students, whose results were inconclusive, proving neither guilt nor innocence. She did well in school academically, had plenty of friends, her close friends genuinely cared about her, she was described as popular in her own wayand she was invited to join an exclusive sorority club. It sounds like something Berns BFF called Kirsten, that or Virginia Protti, it is someone close to Bern. Kirsten is better looking than bernadette, because Kirsten facial features are in proportion with her face.. bernadette is not. Hundreds of mourners filled the great sanctuary of the Lafayette-Orinda Presbyterian Church yesterday to pay their last respects to Kirsten Costas. so dont mock, offer to help thus build bridges. They still do Bernadette and always will, so she has to look over her head every second. Beauty and the Beast and D are still the Life of a Party at times, esp Reunions. In the beginning, the investigators had suspected Nancy Kane, a girl that happened to be bullied by Kirsten a lot. My friend was surprised it was Bernadette who murdered Kirsten! She clearly wasnt happy with them and their old, unfashionable selves either, adding that they didnt give her, their 6th child, the attention she so desperately wanted. Kirsten she had her moments there was a few she didnt like, as I said, it was ones that no one else liked. We all have someone we dont like, and we wont be liked by everybody. I was a year behind those girls, Bernadette was mean to me, she was stuck up also. Kirsten wasnt obligated to helping those people, sometimes it has to be done on your own! She said Bernadette was kind of Snooty also. Rupaul and Sarah, Bernadette has friends and fit in. The only truly real statement that is completely believable is Bernadettes taped confession where she is mostly panicked about press and people knowing. BTW, Bernadette was not bullied or the lonely girl the movie portrayed her, (she had lots of friends) was popular So you that said Kirsten bullied her, get the facts straight. A label she will never ever get rid of, no matter how nice she becomes. I hear her husband knew all along about her. I see why her Sisters and mom forgive her, theyre her family and family sticks by you. I cant bring her back, but Im sorry. In reality, the case unfolded in the town of Orinda, which is not far from the San Francisco Bay Area. Kirsten made some comment about them, and it just seemed like everyone else was thinking that, but she was the only one who would come out and say it., MORE:Lip Smackers from Bonne Bell: The super trendy vintage lip balm from the 70s & 80s, Bernadette admitted she had made the phone call setting up a meeting with Kirsten. Eventually, she felt increasingly insecure and put down by Kirsten. Some she didnt like, Usually the ones no one else (liked). I also believe Nancy and Joanna were nice girls that had thier moments also. I heard Kirsten was self absorbed, but no bully. Changing your name does not change your being, by the way. It made me feel oh so special. Pre-meditation seems sensible between the clothes and the knife. There are more murders in american continent than in Europe and its not in the time of war. Ive been able to live with it for a while but I cant ignore it Im even worse than words can describe and I hate myself ., In a P.S., she wrote, Please dont say how could you or why because I dont understand this and I dont know why. She was home with a friend and an adult man who was watching them, classmates say. You are full of it. She probably just released her anger towards her so she could move on. It shocked everyone in the small community where crimes were something to be read about. I feel if it was true bullying she would be afraid to be near Kirsten and these people who call Kirsten a snot and said she was a Bully and deserved it, Karens right youre the Bullies cause you know Zilch about any of this. Obviously we didnt know B was the killer. No more Bernadette has a point. Some still get together. Bernadette was snotty to. Bernadette was sweet, cant imagine her even capable of something like Murder, but she was. You named all of Kirstens friends. Oakland Tribune Wednesday, September 5, 1984, Oakland Tribune Saturday, October 6, 1984. They had Bernadette as a suspect and only give her a lie detector test? Her house too, apparently had paint peeling off, and was not the type of place she imagined herself to be living in. Classes are out for the Thanksgiving holiday this week, but the Miramonte wellness center opened Monday so students could come together and grieve, make cards for Luca and talk about her tragic passing. Still no one deserves to die. I suffer from PTSD. Yes. Bunch of Bernadettes lurking around everywhere. How do you know she was mean? My friend was a friend of hers. She killed once. She wanted to be like her, and she struggled a lot to make it happen. Well she had her Spirits and was funny ( if not funnier) like that. Just because there was bullying in a fictional movie, doesnt mean the Bernadette was bullied by Kirsten in real life. The father was so ignorant and submerged in his cars he didnt even notice his daughters pain and problems. No one really cares why. Was Bernadette fragile when her behaviour was reported to not have changed after Kirstens murder? She runs a Facebook and Twitter account under the same name. So there actually is no first degree evidence that is solid and beyond a reasonable doubt. Bernadette is hiding out, dont know about the depression, but she is in hiding and dont want her location exposed now, not sure if she is married anymore, but shes not working, she is somewhere out of State close to a family member. YOU NEED TO LEAVE BERNADETTE TO GOD, AND YOUR NOT HIM. So think before you get that angry cause there is no turning back from it. Now thats just sad. There were a lot of girls at Miramonte they didnt like or fit in, they ran them all out, not just Nancy, she wasnt alone, neither was Joanna, but they act like they were the only victims there. If Mrs. Cistss forgave Bernadette then great. I just didnt bother with them. Its time to move on and stop rehashing alll this. Miramonte sounds like it had its share of Bullying. Who could have stabbed popular, beautiful cheerleader Stacy to death? I wasnt a cheerleader at all, I was in some clubs at school,( not Bobbies or Atlantis) but Spanish. There is no way Bernadette is better than Kirsten. Check out these sexist stewardess job requirements of the 50s & 60s, Vintage Fashion from the 1960s adult coloring book: 50 pages of retro 60s clothing for women, Groovy Fashion of the 70s: Vintage Women Coloring Book #10, Vintage Homes Adult Coloring Book #2: Classic Victorian Houses, Something Old: Vintage Wedding Dress Fashion Look Book, Classic Cars Adult Coloring Book #2: Vintage 1920s Automobiles (1920-1929), These popular 1950s bathroom color schemes are the epitome of mid-century suburban decor, Easy fondue recipe fun! Friends said she was a glowing part of the student body with a warm and welcoming personality. I also was in a school where most others came from two income families and most of the parents were accountants, lawyers or doctors. A popular 15-year-old high school cheerleader described as an "All American girl" was stabbed to death on a neighbor's doorstep, apparently by another teenage girl. The bullying, the lies, the jealousy and competition is so toxic and they will murder your soul. Most people would be angered and perturbed by that kind of behavior. Even if Kirsten was a Snot, she would of grown out of it long before now. After killing Kirsten, Bernadette said she returned home, hid the knife and took a walk with her mother and the family dog. ClickAmericana.com is made with and by Synchronista LLC 2011-2022. Bernadettes parents were devout Christians (Catholics). I want popular, but had friends who were, I didnt sulk about it, I did sports, not clubs or cheerleading. Your point is irrelevant and has absolutely nothing to do with the case. Yes Kirsten and them all thought they were better than a lot. Its possible they forgave her and moved on. Me! Snobs like Kristen who think they are better than everyone, put others down, and degrade them because of their class status are the reason shootings like Columbine took place. I watched the movie again (both versions) and I have to agree with Miss Kiwi. And ironically the real Kirsten was the brunette and the kiler was the blonde. I live in LA and know people on the Bay Area that know all about the case, and know people who knew Kirsten, and they say the Movie was offbeatfar from Kirstens Personality. We had honor students who were kind of poor, but we loved them, and learned from them. I came across people like that in my in-laws family when I was married and it is pathetic the way older siblings are so selfish. There have been a couple people in my youth that I thought were extremely mean to me. She was described as a nurturer in an episode of Killer Kids. Sheriffs aide Michael Bachman searches for murder weapon, San Francisco Examiner Tuesday, June 26, 1984. Star!! She slaughtered the girl. And not a fuckn psycho. You seem to have the mentality of a child. She was not any Chris Hargensen in Carrie, or Regina George in Mean Girls or anything like that, she was totally down to Earth and engaging from what I was told. But I do know that two families had to move out of town because the girls wore all black and kept to them selves.. Reports suggest that Bernadette was sent to the Youth Authoritys Ventura School, and according to the CYA (California Youth Authority), she earned her high school diploma with a 4.0 average. I was there too. It took me 2 decades to deal with it, couldnt before. She couldnt of been or she never would of killed, and watch the town accuse 2 Innocent girls and harrass,them over it. Check your inbox to be the first to know the hottest news. Are you looking for more information about Oliver Jackson Cohens wife? Even if Missy and Kirsten were Bullies bo reason to Murder them. 2018 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. Bernadette/Jeanette has paid her dues. A popular 15-year-old girl who was stabbed to death on a neighbors doorstep may have been the victim of another teen-age girl, police said. First, an assumedly innocent girl murdering her schoolmate got people by surprise. Her drive for perfection makes her seek out the friendship of Kelly Locke, a rich and pretty girl. I read a lot of these Articles,and her BFF said the exact same thing on one interview. Bullies should get their a** whooped not killed just because they dont want to be friends with someone. Its best not to post comments at all on Bernadette anymore. I think a lot of people would have found Bernadettes plan to lure them out of their house under false pretences very disconcerting and would be angered over it like Kirsten appears to have been. Maybe others didnt think so, but to many said she was. Bryan Callen: divorce story, wife, net worth, latest updates. 15-year-old Kirsten Costas was ruthlessly murdered on June 23, 1984, by one of her schoolmates. Shes on the East Coast last I heard, I hear shes fine health wise, and some say she wasnt feeling well awhile back, not sure why, shes mellowed out a lot through the years. 2023 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. Bernadette even tried to point her finger at Joanna as the one who killed Kirsten. I wasnt Popular and Kirsten liked me and was nice to me. They were more aquainted than you think. No in the documentary where the new wave girl was actually interviewed, she ACTUALLY said I want you dead and to see your blood drip Her own words in the interview on true crime via Amazon Prime she said those EXACT words. Theres no excuse for murder. Lets make it a great Memorial for Kirsten. She had a slumber party on her 15 th BD we all snuck into a pool and swam, (a fun night) and to bad she didnt get to celebrate her 16th Birthday, Art and Berit planned on taking us all to a Hotel and spend the night. I just read on You tube on her recipe Video where she is sick now. I guess we all cant like everyone. She got out in 1992. But we didnt care because our parents raised us not to be needy of anyones friend ship. I was informed Kirsten was highly popularand a Cheerleader and cheerful, even if she was a bully no right for her to be savagely Murdered. She is still Crazy as always. Kirsten was one to always have fun, Was Orinda elite, yes, but they had a lot of wonderful people there to, and they helped one another. Lifetime released a remake, also titled Death of a Cheerleader, on Feb. 2, 2019. Bernadette was sentenced to nine years (maximum) for second-degree murder on April 1, 1985. She killed her cause she was afraid Kirsten would target her as a Weirdo now shes labeled as a MURDERER Probably was, she allowed 2:girls to take the blame. Kirsten didnt like people who acted (Dumb) or got into trouble and cause trouble. How many teen girls dont get Smart Aleck, its a normal part of a teens life. Police said today 15-year-old Kirsten Costas thought she was going to a sorority-like initiation the night she was stabbed to death just a few yards from her Orinda home. Were not sympathizing with you, (grow up and get over it) Theyre not going to beg you to come, and if you dont want to be found cause your life was miserable, were not really interested in finding you and apologizing.

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miramonte high school cheerleader killed